In 1968 I was commissioned by BT Batsford Ltd to write a book about throwing. Further commissions followed. My published books are:

Pottery: the Technique of Throwing was published in 1969, and had reprints and a paperback. French (1972) and German (1983) editions followed. 

It had the honour of being one of only four books on pottery included the Last Whole Earth Catalogue, 1971.

… a revision of Dora Billington’s The Technique of Pottery, was published in 1974. A Dutch (1975) edition followed.

Pottery: Techniques of Decoration was published in 1983 and had reprints and a paperback, and Spanish (1985) and German (1987) editions followed.

Pottery Materials, was published in 1988 and was followed by a Spanish (1990) edition. 

All these books were published by BT Batsford Ltd and remained in print until 1995 when the company was taken over, asset stripped and closed. Photo editions of Pottery: The Technique of Throwing and Pottery : Techniques of Decoration have more recently been published in the USA in a series of classic reprints.


In addition to the books I have written a number of exhibition reviews, catalogue introductions and profiles of potters.